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Festa della Marineria La Specia 2011

Video: Fest della Marineria, La Specia

Festa della Marineria (FDM) 2011 in La Specia

La Specia (SP) Die Festa della Marineria (FDM) findet vom 16. bis zum 19. Juni in La Spezia/Italien statt. Es gilt als die wichtigste Veranstaltung im Mittelmeerraum für Classicboat, Tall Ship, Vintage/Spirit of Tradition und historische Holzboote. Vom 16. bis zum 19. Juni 2011 verwandelt sich La Spezia, der Golf der Poeten, zu einem Erlebnisort mit Ausstellungen, Gedenkveranstaltungen, Events, See- und Hafen-Kongresse, Regatten und zum Nabel der Welt für alle Meer- und Segelliebhaber.

2009 besuchten mehr als 300.000 Gäste das Festa della Marineria, mehr als 200 historische Wasserfahrzeuge gab es zu bestaunen. Derzeit haben die Veranstalter etwa 180 Anmeldungen von Bootsbauern und Vereinigungen aus ganz Europa. Zum ersten mal dabei sind zehn teilnehmer aus Deutschland.


La Specia marine festival 2011

La Specia (SP) From 16th until 19th of June, the second edition of Festival Festa della Marineria (FDM) will be held in La Specia/Italy. The marine Festival is a biennial of art, culture, science and traditions connected to the sea. With more than 100 events during 4 days, La Spezia becomes capital of marine and celebrates 140 years of the Navy Arsenal.

The second edition of Festival Festa della Marineria (FDM) will be held from 16th until 19th of June in La Spezia -- The Marine festival, a biennial of art, science, culture and traditions connected to the sea that for four days will make La Spezia a reference point for those who loves the sea. Festa della Marineria (FDM) - a brand new event for La Spezia that aims to become the most important Marine event at Italian and international level.

The city prepares itself for a number of events related to one single identity theme, the sea; it is seen through its various perspectives: tradition, handicrafts, know how, technology, sport and culture. «The idea that La Spezia and its Gulf should be the natural seat of an international event connected to tradition and marine culture was known
since time» says the Mayor of La Spezia Mr. Massimo Federici,. «Now its time to realize a big Festival Festa della Marineria (FDM), together with the celebrations for the 140 years from the construction of the Navy Arsenal that Cavour wanted to be built here.

All the city will be transformed. There will be no square, street or alley that will not become a stage for music or shows. The city will be full of lights sounds and colours that will create a unique atmosphere. And thanks to the friendship relation between the Navy and the Municipality, even the Navy base will be a place of culture and shows. It will be a unique opportunity for both tourists and local people to visit this excellent example of industrial architecture.

The Poets' Gulf will be the field of important boat meetings and regattas among the most important of the season. These events will be realised with the support of the most important sailing associations. Special guest will be Giovanni Soldini, who will be present during the Festival. There will be also a great international exhibition on Naval and Maritime Innovations . The local Chamber of Commerce will present Seafuture, a new event for 2011.

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